联系人电话:134 838 04633(壹叁肆捌叁捌零肆陆叁叁)
弹簧支吊架GB/T17116.1-1997标准 弹簧支吊架HG/T20644-1998 标准 弹簧支吊架JB/T8130.1-1997 标准弹簧支吊架 JB/T8130.2-1997标准,VS60F弹簧支吊架、VS90F弹簧支吊架、VS120F弹簧支吊架、VS150F弹簧支吊架、VS180F弹簧支吊架 。T1单板整定弹簧组件、T2双板整定弹簧组件、T3上下方弹簧组件、T4支架整定弹簧组件、T5横担整定弹簧组件,VS(0~180mm)、TD(0~120mm)、载荷范围为154~217384N、使用温度范围-20℃~200℃的可变弹簧支吊架
1、栽埋式支架安装 2、焊接式支架安装 3、膨胀螺栓法支架安装 4、抱箍法支架安装 5、射钉法支架安装
诚信是金。“人无信不立,商无信不远”,我公司站在发展的角度,坚持走诚信之路,更把这种理念贯穿于第一道生产工序中,“以质量赢得信誉,以信誉创造奇迹”,正是由于这种信念使我们的产品达到了可靠的质量保证。我公司本着“以质量拓市场,以信誉赢客户”的宗旨,不断增强自身实力,完善内部机制,时刻以的姿态参与市场竞争,以更精湛的技术,更优良的服务奉献给广大用户。Honesty is gold. "I have no letter is not established, business letter not far," I stand in the development of the company, adhere to the road of integrity, but also put this idea throughout the first production process, "to win the credibility of the quality, reputation To create a miracle ", it is precisely because of this belief so that our products to achieve a reliable quality assurance. I am in the company "to expand the quality of the market, to win credibility to customers," the purpose of continuously enhance their own strength, improve the internal mechanism, always with the best attitude to participate in market competition, with more superb technology, better service dedicated to the broad masses user.